• Life Science

    Life Science

    Life science refers to the fields of science that involve the scientific study of processes and structures of living organisms. While biology remains the centerpiece of the life sciences, related fields such as biochemistry, biophysics, or medicine are also included. Life science applications aim at understanding organisms and their place in the ecosystem.

  • Materials Science

    Materials Science

    Materials science is an interdisciplinary field that investigates the relationship between the structure of materials at atomic or molecular scales and their macroscopic properties. Materials science aims at creating or transforming existing materials as well as enhancing materials to give better performance for particular applications.

  • Metrology


    Metrology is the science of measurements. It refers to the process of measuring one or several specific parameters for a defined purpose. Metrology applications in this context are not directly related to specific research in life sciences or materials science, but are either generally applicable or serve a very specific measurement task.

  • Quantum Optics

    Quantum Optics

    Quantum optics is a field of research that deals with the application of quantum mechanics to phenomena involving light and its interactions with matter. One of the main goals is to understand the quantum nature of information and to learn how to formulate, manipulate, and process it using physical systems that operate on quantum mechanical principles.